
    Information Handbook under Right to Information Act, 2005

    Chapter I – Introduction
    1.1 Background of Information Handbook

    This Information Handbook has been prepared in pursuance of Section 4 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act, 2005) to provide information in respect of powers, duties and functions of the Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Office of the CCPD) set up under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PwD Act) and has been mandated to take steps to safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities which is repealed by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016.

    1.2 Objectives

    1. To provide access to information under the control of Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and to promote transparency and accountability in the working.
    2. To provide maximum information suo motu or sources thereof so that people have minimum resort to use of the RTI Act.

    1.3 Intended Users

    This handbook is useful for the persons with disabilities, their guardians, Voluntary Organizations and individuals working in the field of disability and Central/State Government Organizations.

    1.4 Contact persons for getting more information

    Shri Satyajeet Prakash, Desk Officer in the Office of the CCPD is CPIO for getting information by post, e-mail, telephone or fax at the following address:

    Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

    5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

    Tele# 011-20892364, 20892275

    E-mail: ccpd[at]nic[dot]in, Website:

    1.5 Definitions/Abbreviations used

    “RTI Act” means Right to Information Act, 2005.

    “RPwD Act” means Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016;

    “RPwD Rule” means Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rule, 2017;

    “Office of the CCPD” means Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities set up under the PwD Act;

    “Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities” means an officer appointed under Section 57(1) of the PwD Act;

    “PIO” means Public Information Officer designated under Section 5(1) of the RTI Act;

    “APIO” means Assistant Public Information Officer designated under Section 5(2) of the RTI Act;

    “Appellate Authority” means the authority to whom an appeal can be submitted under Section 7(8)(iii) of the RTI Act.

    “PwD Act” means Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995;

    “PwD Rules” means Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1996;

    1.6 Procedure and fee structure for getting information not available in the handbook

    Any person who wishes to seek information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 can file an application in Form-A, attached with this Handbook, to the Public Information Officer or Assistant Public Information Officer of Office of the CCPD. Forms are available at free of cost in the Office of the CCPD. It can also be downloaded from the website of the Office of the CCPD.

    A nominal application fee of Rs.10/- per application will be charged by way of cash against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers cheque payable to “Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi” for supply of information other than the information relating to Tender Documents/Bids/Quotations/Business Documents in addition to the cost of document or the photocopies of document/information, if any. For Tender Documents, an application fee of Rs. 500/- per application will be charged. A sum of Rs. 2/- per page will be charged for supply of photocopy of document(s) under the control of Office of the CCPD.

    No fee shall be charged from the persons who are below poverty line on submission of photocopy of the BPL card issued by the competent authority.

    The Office will endeavor to provide the information in the shortest possible time subject to a maximum of 30 days.

    In case, any person does not get a response from the PIO or APIO within 30 days of the submission of Form-A or is aggrieved by the response received within the prescribed period, he/she may file an appeal to the following Appellate Authority:

    Shri Vikas Trivedi

    Deputy Chief Commissioner

    Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

    5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

    Tele# 011-20892364, 20892275

    E-mail: ccpd[at]nic[dot]in, Website:

    Chapter II – Particulars of Organization, Functions and Duties
    2.1 Particulars of the organization

    The meeting to launch the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons 1993-2002 was convened by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) at Beijing in December, 1992, which adopted the Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of People with Disabilities in Asian and Pacific Region. India is a signatory to the said proclamation. Therefore, in order to implement the Proclamation, Government of India enacted The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (hereinafter referred to as the Persons with Disabilities Act), which came into effect from 7th February 1996 which is repealed by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016.

    It has been provided in the RPwD Act that there shall be a Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and every State will have a Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities. Accordingly, office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities was established by the Govt. of India, which started functioning with effect from October, 1998. The office is located at 5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, New Delhi-110075.

    The organisation hierarchy of the Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities is as under:

    PA 6
    LDC 4
    DRIVER 1
    PEON 2

    2.2 Powers of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

    As per Section 77 of the PwD Act, the Chief Commissioner have the same powers as are vested in a court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters, namely –

    1. summoning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses;
    2. requiring the discovery and production of any documents;
    3. requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any court or office;
    4. receiving evidence on affidavits; and
    5. issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents.

    Every proceeding before the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities is a judicial proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code and the Chief Commissioner shall be deemed to be a civil court for the purpose of section 195 and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.

    Being the Head of the Department, all administrative and financial powers are vested in the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities or in his/her absence, in the Commissioner/Deputy Chief Commissioner, duly authorized by the Government.

    Chief Commissioner is assisted by Commissioner & Dy. Chief Commissioner, Desk Officers and other staff members for discharging his/her duties.

    2.3 Functions of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

    The functions of the Chief Commissioner, as defined in Section 75 of the RPwD Act, 2016 are as under

    1. identify, suo motu or otherwise, the provisions of any law or policy, programme and procedures, which are inconsistent with this Act and recommend necessary corrective steps;
    2. inquire, suo motu or otherwise, deprivation of rights of persons with disabilities and safeguards available to them in respect of matters for which the Central Government is the appropriate Government and take up the matter with appropriate authorities for corrective action;
    3. review the safeguards provided by or under this Act or any other law for the time being in force for the protection of rights of persons with disabilities and recommend measures for their effective implementation;
    4. review the factors that inhibit the enjoyment of rights of persons with disabilities and recommend appropriate remedial measures;
    5. study treaties and other international instruments on the rights of persons with disabilities and make recommendations for their effective implementation;
    6. undertake and promote research in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities;
    7. promote awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities and the safeguards available for their protection;
    8. monitor implementation of the provisions of this Act and schemes, programmes meant for persons with disabilities;
    9. monitor utilisation of funds disbursed by the Central Government for the benefit of persons with disabilities; and
    10. perform such other functions as the Central Government may assign.

    2.4 Mission/Vision Statement


    1. An India, which places its citizens with disabilities on the same platform as the non-disabled citizens.


    1. To protect the rights of citizens with disabilities
    2. To create The Rights of Persons with Disabilities so that they can lead a life of Equality and Dignity.
    3. To promote an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities.

    2.5 Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and procedure for redressal of public grievance

    For monitoring and reviewing the status of implementation of the RPwD Act, reports are called from the Commissioners, Disabilities of the States/UTs. Besides, an annual meeting of State Commissioners per Persons with Disabilities of the States/UTs is organized by the Office of the CCPD for the purpose.

    Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities also conducts workshops for creating awareness and promotion of major focus areas such as inclusive education, employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, barrier free environment, etc. In the year 2005-06, Training Workshops are also being conducted for creation of “Resource Pool of Access Auditors” throughout the country. The services of the trained Access Auditors will be utilized by the concerned organizations for creating barrier free built environment at public places or public utility buildings.

    Office of the CCPD, on its own motion or on the application of any aggrieved person takes up the matter related to non-implementation of Act, Rules, Laws, Instructions issued by the Government organizations, etc. with the concerned organizations.

    The procedure for submission of complaints before the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities has been prescribed in Rule 38 of the RPwD Rules, 2017 which is as under –

    1. An aggrieved person may present a complaint containing the following particulars in person or by his agent to the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner or send it by registered post or by email addressed to the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner, namely:-
      1. the name, description and the address of the aggrieved person;
      2. the name, description and the address of the opposite party or parties, as the case may be, so far as they may be ascertained;
      3. the facts relating to complaint and when and where it arose;
      4. documents in support of the allegations contained in the complaint; and
      5. the relief which the aggrieved person claims.
    2. The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner on receipt of a complaint shall refer a copy of the complaint to the opposite party or parties mentioned in the complaint, directing him to give his version of the case within a period of thirty days or such extended period not exceeding fifteen days as may be granted by the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner.
    3. On the date of hearing or any other date to which hearing could be adjourned, the parties or their agents shall appear before the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner.
    4. Where the aggrieved person or his agent fails to appear before the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner on such days, the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may either dismiss the complaint on default or decide on merits.
    5. Where the opposite party or his agent fails to appear on the date of hearing, the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may take such necessary action under section 77 of the Act as he deems fit for summoning and enforcing the attendance of the opposite party.
    6. The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may dispose of the complaint ex-parte, if necessary.
    7. The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may on such terms as he deems fit and at any stage of the proceedings, adjourn the hearing of the complaint.
    8. The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner shall decide the complaint as far as possible within a period of three months from the date of receipt of notice by the opposite party.

    In accordance with the above procedure, the complaints received by post, facsimile or e-mail are put up to the Chief Commissioner/Commissioner/Deputy Chief Commissioner.

    The show cause notices are quite detailed pointing out the violation of the relevant provision of the Section of the Act, Rules, Regulations etc. and the possible remedial action that the respondent should take. If the remedial action is taken, the case is disposed off at that stage itself and appropriate order is passed. In other cases, on receipt of the replies of the opposite parties, the complainant is given the opportunity to file rejoinder. Thereafter, parties are given personal hearings by issuing summons.

    After hearing the parties, the Record of Proceedings containing interim order/advice are prepared on the spot and handed over to the parties.

    Office of the Chief Commissioner also suo motu takes up a large number of cases on the basis of advertisements released by the establishments. Most of these cases pertain to reservation of vacancies in appointments and reservation of seats in admission to various courses of studies conducted by Government or Government aided educational institutions.

    A large number of people with disabilities or their representatives are also given personal hearings even without any written complaint or prior appointment. Often, Complainants are assisted by the Officers and Staff Members in preparing representations/complaints and are also counseled.

    Chapter III – Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records for Discharging Functions
    3.1 The list of Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and records, held by the office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions are as under –

    Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

    Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017

    Notifications, Instructions issued by various Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India for persons with disabilities

    Service/Administrative/Financial Rules

    The documents mentioned at (a) & (b) above are under the control of office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities and can be obtained free of cost by making written request to the PIO or APIO. Other documents are not under its control and can be obtained from the concerned Ministry/Department of the Govt. of India. However some of the relevant Notifications, Rules, Instructions, etc. have been posted in the website of Office of the CCPD and Printouts can be taken from it.

    Chapter IV – Documents held by Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    4.1 List of Documents/Information

    S.No. Name of the document Whether free or priced. If Priced, what is the cost? Held by/under control of
    1 The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 Free Under its control
    2 The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rule, 2017 Free Under its control
    3 Annual Report of the Office of the CCPD* Free (subject to availability)+Postal Charges # Under its control
    4 Manual on creation of Barrier Free Environment* Free ( subject to availability)+Postal Charges # Under its control
    5 Book on “Judgements on Disability Issues-Case Digest 2005” (Printed Format) Priced. Rs. 100/- + Postal Charges Under its control
    6 Book on “Judgements on Disability Issues-Case Digest 2005” (in Compact Disc) Priced. Rs. 25/- + Postal Charges Under its control
    7 Photocopies of Judgements and orders passed by Court of the Chief Commissioner and the related papers Priced. Rs. 2/- per page + Postal Charges Under its control
    8 Any other record/information under the control of Office of the CCPD Priced. Rs. 2/- per page + Postal Charges

    * These documents are available on the website of this office at Print out can be taken from the website.

    # These documents will be provided free of cost on payment of fee towards postal charges only as per the rates mentioned below:

    Sl. No. Mode of Dispatch Postal Charges
    1. By Ordinary Post Rs. 125/-
    2. By Speed Post Rs. 150/-

    In the absence of stock, the photocopies of these documents or any other document can be provided on payment of Rs. 2/- per page + postal charges.

    4.2 Procedure to obtain these documents

    The documents under the control of Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities can be collected by hand on cash payment as per the rates mentioned against each item or by post by sending a demand draft to the office in favour of “Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi”. The value of demand draft should include the postal charges given below in addition to the cost of the book on Judgements on Disability Issues i.e., Rs. 100/- + Postal Charges (for one book only).

    Sl. No. Mode of Dispatch Postal Charges for one book or one book and one CD together Postal Charges for one CD only
    1. Through ordinary parcel Rs. 35/- Rs. 19/-
    2. Through registered parcel Rs. 52/- Rs. 36/-
    3. Through speed post Distance Rate Distance Rate
    Local (within municipal limits) Rs. 35/- Local (within municipal limits) Rs. 20/-
    Up to 200 km Rs. 58/- Up to 200 km Rs. 30/-
    From 200-1000 km Rs. 65/- Beyond 200 km Rs. 50/-
    Beyond 1000 km Rs. 90/-

    For getting photocopies of other documents, demand draft of an appropriate amount i.e., Rs. 2/- per page (depending upon the number of pages required) + postal charges as per the rates given below shall be sent to the Office of the CCPD –

    S.No. Number of pages By Ordinary Post By Registered Post
    1 From 1 – 20 Rs. 25/- Rs. 50/-
    2 From 21 – 50 Rs. 80/- Rs. 105/-
    3 From 51 – 100 Rs. 125/- Rs. 150/-
    4 From 101 – 200 Rs. 250/- Rs. 275/-
    5 From 201 – 500 Rs. 570/- Rs. 600/-

    Please send your requisition to the Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, 5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, New Delhi-110075, Tele# 011-20892364, 20892275, E-mail: ccpd[at]nic[dot]in, Website:

    4.3 List of Exempted Documents

    1. Annual Confidential Reports of the Officers/staff.
    2. Minutes of Departmental Promotion Committees/Selection Committees.
    3. Confidential information received from the parties in connection with the cases before the Court of Chief Commissioner.
    Addresses of State/UT’s Commissioners for Persons with Disabilities (as on 08th January 2025)
    Sl.No. State/UT’s Name & Address Contact Details
    1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT)

    Shri C. Uday Kumar, IAS
    Director (Social Welfare) &
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Andaman & Nicobar Administration
    Directorate of Social Welfare
    Goal Ghar, Port Blair -744101

    Phone: 03192- 233356 (O)
    E-Mail: directorsw4[at]gmail[dot]com
    Mobile/Whatsapp No: 9891666630


    Andhra Pradesh

    Shri B. Ravi Prakash Reddy
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities O/o SCPD, #74-14-2,
    Rajanarendra Building 1st Floor, 74-14-2, Yanamalakuduru Road,
    Krishna Nagar, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada-520007

    Phone : 0866-2975602
    Mobile: 9493986789
    Whatsapp/Mobile : 8374032888
    E-mail : dwdascap[at]gmail[dot]com


    Arunachal Pradesh

    Shri Abu Tayeng, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, & Secretary Social Justice Empowerment & Tribal Affairs (SJETA), Govt. Arunachal Pradesh,
    Block 02, Protocol Room Secretariat, Itanagar-791111

    Mobile No: 08974461301
    Phone : 0360- 2291559
    Fax: (0360) 2212541
    E-mail: ar.sjeta[at]gmail[dot]com



    Smt. Sushma Hazarika, ACS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of Assam,
    Latakata, Basistha, Guwahati,

    Phone: 0361-2999858
    Fax: 0361-2309198
    E-mail: commdisabilityassam[at]gmail[dot]com
    Mobile No: 0941088312



    Shri Kaushal Kishore, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    O/o the State Commissioner for Disability, Government of Bihar,
    Old Secretariat, Sinchai Bhawan Campus, Patna–800015

    Phone : 0612-2215041
    Fax : 0612-2215152
    Mobile No : 09471000437
    E-Mail : scdisability2008[at]gmail[dot]com
    Website : scdisabilities[dot]org



    Ms. Madhavi Kataria, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,& Secretary Social Welfare,
    Chandigarh Administration, 2nd Floor, UT Secretariat, Sector-9, Chandigarh

    Phone: 0172-2700372(Director Office Social Welfare Dept.)
    E-mail: socialwelfarechd[at]rediffmail[dot]com



    Shri Bhuvnesh Yadav, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities &
    Secretary Women & Child Development, Dept. of Social Welfare,
    Jila Panchayat Parisar, G.E. Road Durg, Chhatisgarh- Pin code- 491001

    Mobile: 9406268111
    Phone: 0788-2325470
    E-Mail: commpwd[dot]cg[at]gmail[dot]com


    Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu

    Shri Ajay Kumar Gupta, IAS
    Secretary (SW&WCD) and UT Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    UT of DNH & DD, Sachivalay, Vidhyut Bhavan, Kachi Bham, Daman, UT of DNH & DD – 396210

    Phone No: 0260-2230486
    Mobile No: 09726654402
    Email: secy-sw-dd[at]ddd[dot]gov[dot]in


    Delhi (UT)

    Vacant Post
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi
    25-D, Mata Sundari Road,
    Near Guru Nanak Eye Centre,
    New Delhi – 110002

    Phone: 23216001-04
    Telefax: 23216005
    E-Mail: comdis.delhi[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in; comdis.delhi[at]nic[dot]in
    (M) 9958066443



    Shri Guruprasad Pawaskar
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    C/o Sanjay Centre for Special Education, Ground Floor Pundalik Nagar, Porvorim, Bardez- Goa-403521

    Mobile No:
    E-mail: grpawaskar[at]gmail[dot]com



    Shri Vishnukumar Jamnadas Rajput
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Government of Gujarat, Karmayogi Bhavan, Block No. 2, Ground Floor,
    Wing No. D-1, Sector-10, Gandhinagar-382010

    Shri H.H. Theba
    Dy. Commissioner

    Mobile No: 07914933800
    Additional Charge, Social Defense, Account Officer

    Mobile No: 09978406984
    Phone: (079) 23256746 – 49 (Office)
    Phone: (079) 26403060, 26424902 (R)
    Telefax: (079) 23259378, 23256746
    (O) 9978406984



    Vacant Post
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Haryana
    Antyodaya Bhawan, Opposite Kothi No. 9, Sector-6, Panchkula

    Phone: 0172- 2929467
    E-Mail: scpd.sje-hry[at]nic[dot]in


    Himachal Pradesh

    Ms. Kiran Bhadana, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities & Director, Empoewrment of SCs, OBCs, Minorities of SJ&E. Himachal Pradesh.

    Phone: 0177- 2621902
    Mobile: 7630062419
    E-Mail: social-hp[at]nic[dot]in


    Jammu & Kashmir

    Mohd. Iqbal Lone
    Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Social Welfare Department Government of Jammu and Kashmir
    Vigilance Building Old Secretariate Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir-190001

    30 A/B Gole Market Gandhinagar Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir
    Contact no. 0944057772

    Mobile No/Whats App: 09419000036
    Email: Comm.pwds[at]jk[dot]gov[dot]in, iqballone[at]gmail[dot]com
    Phone No: 0191-2579126/2542759



    Shri Abhay Nandan Ambastha, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    Department of Women, Child Development & Social Security Ground Floor, Engineer’s Hostel Building-2, Sec-III, Dhurwa, Ranchi– 834004

    Phone: 0651-2401825, 2400757
    0651-2400749 (Director Social Welfare)
    Fax: (0651) 2401886 Mobile No: : 9470369311
    E-mail: sdcjharkhand[at]yahoo[dot]com



    Shri Das Suryavanshi
    State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    No. 55, 2nd Floor, “Abhaya Sankeerna”
    Karnataka Slum Development Board Building
    Risaldar Street, Sheshadripuram, Bengaluru-560020
    Email: scdkarnataka[at]gmail[dot]com

    Mobile/Whatsapp No: 09449399558 (Das Suryavanshi)
    Phone 080-23462625 23462029
    Telefax : (080) 23462029
    E-Mail : scdkarnataka[at]gmail[dot]com



    Dr. P. T. Baburaj
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Government of Kerala,
    Anjaneya, T.C.-9/1023 (1), Ground Floor, Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 010

    Mohile: 09495213248
    Telefax: 0471-2727704
    Phone: (0471) 2720977(O) / (M) 06238785118
    E-Mail: scpwd[dot]kerala[at]gmail[dot]com; scpwdkerala[at]gmail[dot]com;


    Ladakh (UT)

    Smt Tashi Dolma
    Commissioner/Secretary, Social & Tribal Welfare Department
    Administration of Union territory of Ladakh, Civil Secretariat, Leh, Ladakh 194101

    Phone No: 01982-258365  Mobile: 9419114677
    Email: swladakh[at]gmail[dot]com; commsecypwdladakh[at]gmail[dot]com secretarypaladakh[at]gmail[dot]com


    Lakshadweep (UT)

    Shri Arjun Mohan, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities & Director, Social Welfare & Tribal Affairs (SWTA), Lakshadweep Administration
    Directorate of Social Welfare & Tribal Affairs, Kavaratti-682555

    Phone: 04896-262314
    E-Mail: lk-dsw[at]nic[dot]in


    Madhya Pradesh

    Shri Sandeep Rajak
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
    Resource Center, Link Road No. 3, in front
    of Patrakar Colony, Bhopal,
    Madhya Pradesh- 462016

    Phone : 0755-2773008
    Mobile No : 09425139344
    Fax: 0755-2552665
    E-mail : comm-pwds[at]mp[dot]gov[dot]in



    Shri. Pravin Puri, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Department of Social Justice & Special Assistance, Govt. of Maharashtra
    3, Church Road. Pune – 411001

    Phone: 020-26122061 /26126471/26136845
    Mobile No: 9422488985
    Fax: 020-26111590
    (M) 9850835678
    E-Mail: commissioner.disability[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in



    Shri W. Birahari Singh
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of Manipur,
    Directorate Complex, Social Welfare Department, Manipur
    AT, Line, near 2nd Manipur Rifle Gate Imphal- 795001

    Mobile No: 08131947029
    Phone: 0385-2444021



    Smt. Camelia Doreen Lyngwa, MCS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of Meghalaya
    Lower Lachumiere, Temple Road,
    Meghalaya, Shillong

    Phone : 0364-2506521
    (M) 917005711584
    E-mail : cpwdmeg[at]gmail[dot]com



    Ms. Vanlaldiki Sailo
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of Mizoram,
    MC-3A, V.L Rema Building, Opp. SBI Chaltlang Branch, Chaltlang Venglai, Mizoram Aizwal-796014

    Phone:: (0389) 2399213, 2322532
    Fax: (0389) 2398134
    Mob: 9436141825 Ms. Vanlaldiki Sailo
    E-mail: ocfpwd[at]gmail[dot]com; vldikisailo[at]gmail[dot]com



    Ms Diethono Nakhro
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, O/o the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    New Secretariat Road (Opposite State Civil Secretariat Complex)
    Kohima-797004 Nagaland

    Phone: 08258953837
    (0370) 2270284, 2270279
    E-Mail: scpdnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com
    Website: https://scpd.nagaland[dot]gov[dot]in
    Twitter: http://twitter[dot]com/scpdnagalan



    Smt. Bratati Harichandan, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    A-1 Block, Toshali Bhawan,
    Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar– 751 001

    Mobile No : 09437031868
    Phone : 0674- 2390006
    E-Mail: scpdorissa[at]gmail[dot]com


    Pudducherry (UT)

    Dr. A. Muthamma, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with
    Disabilities & Director
    Directorate of Social Welfare
    No. 1, Saradambal Nagar, Ellaipillaichavady,
    Puducherry – 605001

    Mobile: 9442234784
    Phone: 0413-2334036
    Office: 0413-2233303, 0413-2205872
    E-Mail: socwel[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in



    Shri Gaindchander, IAS
    State Commissioners for Persons with Disabilities,
    (Room No. 519-520, 5th Floor,
    Punjab Civil Secretariat-2, Sector-9, Chandigarh – 160009

    Phone No : 0172-2742243, 2740190 (Labour Dept.)
    Mobile No : 09814211333 (Mini Secretariat)
    E-Mail : Disabilitybranch104[at]gmail[dot]com



    Shri Uma Shankar Sharma
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, & Secretary, Social Justice & Empowerment Department
    Govt. of Rajasthan
    G-3/1 A, Vishesh YogyaJan Bhawan, Hotel Rajmahal Residency Area, Jaipur.

    Phone : 0141-2222937 2222503
    Fax : (0141) 2222503, 2222249
    E-Mail: Commissioner[dot]SAP[at]rajasthan[dot]gov[dot]in



    Smt. Ganga Pradhan, SCS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Social Justice & Welfare Department, Govt. of Sikkim, Samaj Kalyan Bhawan, 5th Mile, Lumsey -737102

    Phone/Fax: 03592-232596
    (M) 09434073499 / 08145889499
    E-Mail: tgyachho1968[at]gmail[dot]com


    Tamil Nadu

    Shri Nagarajan, IAS
    Commissioner for Person with Disabilities, Govt. of Tamil Nadu,
    No. 5, Kamarajar Salai,
    Lady Wellington College Campus, Chennai-600005

    Mobile No: 09445190166, 09499933590 (TMT Zacthina Lazarus)
    Phone: 044-28444940 (O)
    Fax: 044-28444941
    E-mail : scd[dot]tn[at]nic[dot]in, scpwdtn[at]gmail[dot]com
    Website : scd[dot]tn[dot]gov[dot]in



    Smt. B. Shailaja, M.A. L.L.B
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Vikalangula Sankeshma Bhavan, Nalgonda X Roads, Malakpet, Hyderabad – 500 036

    Phone: 040-24559048
    Whatsapp No./Mobile No: 9849905475
    E-Mail: scrpwdact[at]gmail[dot]com



    Shri Tapas Ray, IAS
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Government of Tripura,
    New Secretariat, Capital Complex,
    Kunjaban, Agartala, Pin No.-799010.

    Phone: 0381-2414045
    Mob:09436168158 (Tapas Ray Mobile No)

    09436129708 (Dy. Commissioner)
    E-Mail: secretaryobcminority[at]gmail[dot]com



    Uttar Pradesh

    Prof. Himanshu Shekhar Jha
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
    Rajkiya Dristribadhit Chhatron ka Chhatravas, Vidya Bhawan Campus, Near Rajkiya Inter College, J.B.T.C Compound, Nishatganj, Lucknow,
    Uttar Pradesh – 226007

    Phone: 0522-2780911, 0522-2780411, 0522-2780912
    Mobile no.: 09412104525 (Prof. Himanshu Shekhar jha)
    Mobile No.: 09335755566 (Shri Shailendra Sonkar, Dy. Commissioner)
    Telefax : 0522-2229063
    E-Mail: commissioner1998[at]rediffmail[dot]com info[at]
    Website: www[dot]commissionerdisabilitiesup[dot]in



    Shri Prakash Chandra
    Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities,
    Women & Social Welfare Department
    Govt. of Uttarakhand, 12 Tilak Road,
    Near Bindal Pool, Dehradun–248001, Uttarakhand

    Mobile: 09910561116
    Phone: 0135-2727981
    Social Welfare – 0135-2712245
    E-Mail: cduttarakhand[at]gmail[dot]com


    West Bengal

    Smt Nilanjana Dasgupta, IAS
    State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities
    Govt. of West Bengal, Subhanna, 7th Floor, Salt Lake,

    Mobile: 08334915554
    Phone: 033-2359-7997
    E-mail: com[dot]disabilitywb[at]gmail[dot]com

    Chapter VI – Particulars of Public Information Officers
    6.1 Name of Public Authority – Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

    6.2 Public Information Officer –

    Shri Satyajeet Prakash

    Desk Officer

    Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

    5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075. (Tele # 011-20892364, 20892275).

    E-mail: ccpd[at]nic[dot]in

    6.3 Department Appellate Authority –

    Shri Vikas Trivedi

    Deputy Chief Commissioner

    Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

    5th Floor, NISD Building, Plot No.G-2, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075

    Tele# 011-20892364, 20892275, 20892356

    E-mail: ccpd[at]nic[dot]in

    Chapter VII – Procedure followed in Decision Making Process
    Chapter 7 – Procedure followed in Decision Making Process

    For Administrative & Financial matters,

    P.A./ Accountant/ Cashier –> Desk Officer (Admn) –> Dy. Chief Commissioner –> Chief Commissioner

    For Legal matters & Grievances,

    P.A./LDC –> Desk Officer (GR) –> Dy. Chief Commissioner –> Chief Commissioner

    7.2 Procedure of Handling Receipt and Decision Making Process

    All receipts/papers are first seen by the Chief Commissioner/Commissioner/Deputy Chief Commissioner and marked to the concerned Desk Officer in charge of Administration/Accounts and Legal sections, who further mark these to the concerned dealing staff. After diarising, which is being computerized, the receipts are handed over to concerned dealing staff.

    The dealing staff put up the receipts in the concerned file and submit to the concerned Desk Officer, who, after examination, submit the files to the Dy. Chief Commissioner/ Commissioner. Depending upon the nature of the matter, Commissioner/Dy. Chief Commissioners dispose these off at his level or submit these to Chief Commissioner with his comments for decision. After the decision, file is returned to the concerned dealing staff through the Commissioner, Dy. Chief Commissioner and Desk Officer and reply is communicated to the concerned person.

    7.3 There is no provision for Appellate Authority in the RPwD Act, 2016. However, the aggrieved party may file a Writ Petition in the appropriate higher forum against the decision of Chief Commissioner/Commissioner, if so advised.

    Chapter VIII – Directory of Officers and Employees (as on January 2025)
    Sl. No. Name Designation E-mail
    1 Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, IAS Chief Commissioner secretaryda-msje[at]nic[dot]in
    2 Shri S. Govindaraj Commissioner
    3 Shri Vikas Trivedi Dy. Chief Commissioner vtrivedi[dot]389m[at]gov[dot]in
    4 Shri Praveen Prakash Ambashta Dy. Chief Commissioner ambastha[dot]pp[at]nic[dot]in
    5 Shri Rajeev Malhotra Desk Officer malhotra[dot]rajveev[at]nic[dot]in
    6 Shri Satyajeet Prakash Desk Officer prakash[dot]satyajeet[at]gov[dot]in
    7 Shri Rajesh Kumar Jaryal Private Secretary rajesh[dot]jaryal[at]gov[dot]in
    8 Shri Nandan Singh Personal Assistant nandan[dot]singh73[at]gov[dot]in
    9 Shri Dharmendra Personal Assistant dharmendra[dot]10181066[at]gov[dot]in
    10 Shri Sudhir Prasad Kuswaha Accountant sudhir[dot]prasad83[at]gov[dot]in
    11 Shri Yogender Nagpal Staff Car Driver
    12 Shri Vijay Rawat JSA vijay[dot]rawat77[at]nic[dot]in
    13 Ms. Rajni Kaushal LDC (Ad-hoc) rajni[dot]kaushal75[at]nic[dot]in
    14 Shri Jitender Kumar MTS
    15 Shri Satyendra Prashad Shah Consultant (PA) satyander[dot]shah[at]nic[dot]in
    16 Shri Manoj Kumar Consultant (RA) manoj[dot]kumar1979[at]nic[dot]in
    17 Ms. Shipra Consultant (PA) shipra[dot]kaushik[at]nic[dot]in
    18 Shri Mohit Khanna Consultant (IT Professional) mohit[dot]khanna1979[at]nic[dot]in
    19 Shri Mohit Maurya Young Professional Legal mohit[dot]maurya[at]nic[dot]in
    20 Ms. Kritika Gupta Young Professional Legal kritika[dot]gupta[at]nic[dot]in
    21 Ms. Archana Sharma Young Professional Accounts archana[dot]sharma92[at]nic[dot]in
    22 Ms. Gargi Shukla Consultant (SLI)
    23 Ms. Shivangi Tripathi Consultant-Grade 2 (OA) shivangi[dot]tripathi[at]nic[dot]in
    24 Shri Karan Chandra Consultant (EA) karan[dot]chandra[at]nic[dot]in
    25 Shri Prashant Mishra Consultant (EA) prashant[dot]mishra97[at]nic[dot]in
    26 Shri Mrigendra Kumar Jha Consultant (LDC) mrigendra[dot]1972[at]nic[dot]in
    27 Shri Ram Prakash MTS (Outsourced)
    28 Shri Yogesh Kumar MTS (Outsourced)
    29 Shri Ajay Pal MTS (Outsourced)
    Chapter IX – Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees (as on January 2025)
    Sl. No. Name Designation Pay Scales/

    Consolidated Remuneration

    1 Shri Rajesh Aggarwal, IAS Chief Commissioner Additional Charge
    2 Shri S. Govindaraj Commissioner (Level-15)
    3 Shri Vikas Trivedi Dy. Chief Commissioner (Level-13)
    4 Shri Praveen Prakash Ambashta Dy. Chief Commissioner (Level-13)
    5 Shri Rajeev Malhotra Desk Officer (Level-8)
    6 Shri Satyajeet Prakash Desk Officer (Level-7)
    7 Shri Rajesh Kumar Jaryal Private Secretary (Level-7)
    8 Shri Nandan Singh Personal Assistant (Level-7)
    9 Shri Dharmendra Personal Assistant (Level-7)
    10 Shri Sudhir Prasad Kuswaha Accountant (Level-6)
    11 Shri Yogender Nagpal Staff Car Driver (Level-5)
    12 Shri Vijay Rawat JSA (Level-2)
    13 Ms. Rajni Kaushal LDC (Ad-hoc) (Level-2)
    14 Shri Jitender Kumar MTS (Level-2)
    15 Shri Satyendra Prashad Shah Consultant (PA) 37,000/-
    16 Shri Manoj Kumar Consultant (RA) 37,000/-
    17 Ms. Shipra Consultant (PA) 35,000/-
    18 Shri Mohit Khanna Consultant (IT Professional) 40,000/-
    19 Shri Mohit Maurya Young Professional Legal 60,000/-
    20 Ms. Kritika Gupta Young Professional Legal 60,000/-
    21 Ms. Archana Sharma Young Professional Accounts 60,000/-
    22 Ms. Gargi Shukla Consultant (SLI) 28,000/-
    23 Ms. Shivangi Tripathi Consultant-Grade 2 (OA) 37,000/-
    24 Shri Karan Chandra Consultant (EA) 37,000/-
    25 Shri Prashant Mishra Consultant (EA) 37,000/-
    26 Shri Mrigendra Kumar Jha Consultant (LDC) 28,000/-
    27 Shri Ram Prakash MTS (Outsourced) 16,064/-
    28 Shri Yogesh Kumar MTS (Outsourced) 17,693/-
    29 Shri Ajay Pal MTS (Outsourced) 16,064/-
    Chapter X – Details of Budget Allocated
    10.1 Details of budget allocated to the Office of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities for the year 2022-23 is as under –

    (Amount in Lakhs of Rupees)

    Object Head

    BE 2022-23

    RE 2022-23

    Expenditure upto


    Balance as on

















    Domestic Travel Expenses





    Office Expenses





    Rent Rates and Taxes










    Other Administrative Expenses





    Advertising and Publicity





    Professional Services





    Medical Treatment





    Total Rs.






    Form ‘A’

    Form of application for seeking information

    RTI Application No. _____________

    (To be filled by the Office)


    (PIO or APIO)

    1. Name of the applicant :

    2. Postal Address :

    3. Tele. No., Fax, E-mail, etc. :

    4. Particulars of information required-

    5. I state that the information sought does not fall within the restrictions contained in Section 8 of the RTI Act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office.

    6. A fee of Rs. _________ has been deposited in the office vide Receipt No. ________ dated ____________ or the demand draft in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi is enclosed.



    Signature of Applicant

    Kindly fill all the columns properly and strike out, whichever is not applicable.